Take Action with NHEE!

''There are many ways to take action with New Hampshire Environmental Educators and join a community of folks working towards a NH where all people value and feel connected to our natural spaces, are environmentally literate, and act as social and environmental stewards in their communities.

autumn scene where snowflakes will be added to track donations and create a winter sceneDONATE: Make a lasting impact by donating before December 31, 2024. Every time someone donates to NHEE we will add a snowflake the autumn scene. Let’s rally together for 50 donations by 2025! 

Contribute an item or experience to our Spring Conference Silent Auction! The funds raised help us keep conference costs low, support students and young professionals through conference scholarships, and fund programs like the NHEE’d to Get Outside Grant, which has provided hands-on outdoor experiences for 10,000+ students since 2018. Email info@nhee.org to support the silent auction.

BECOME A MEMBER: Join the growing network of individuals and organizations working to inspire connection to our natural world by supporting high quality environmental education and advancing environmental literacy.

SPREAD THE WORD: Follow NHEE on Facebook and LinkedIn so that we can expand our reach and inspire more educators to take learning outside.

ATTEND EVENTS: Deepen your educational practice by networking and learning from others. Stay up to date on all NHEE events by signing up for our monthly e-newsletter.

VOLUNTEER: Consider joining the NHEE board or an action team. Email info@nhee.org if interested in learning more.

Why Join the NHEE Board?

The benefits of joining the NHEE board range from the practical to the philosophical. You can expect to form relationships with professionals from a variety of locations and organizations across NH, and have opportunities to represent your own organization or business in ways that may not otherwise have been available to you. Board members regularly network with each other about their respective organizations, often leading to new programs, funding or initiatives. And of course, being on the board is a resume-builder!

On a philosophical level, board members take deep satisfaction in knowing that they are working to advance EE initiatives that help to get people of all ages outside and connected with the natural world, and are making a real impact on the quality of life for Granite Staters.

We invite any environmentally-minded professional to join us in carrying out our mission. We especially welcome those who are skilled at or interested in finance & accounting, advocacy & policy, and fundraising & development. 

Click here for NHEE board position description.

Why Join an Action Team?

Action teams are a wonderful way to get involved without the long term commitment of being a board member. They are an opportunity to network, build community, and contribute to a cause.

We currently have 5 active action teams focused on: 

  1. Conference
  2. Development
  3. NHEE'd to Get Outside Grant
  4. Environmental Educator of the Year
  5. NH Environmental Literacy Plan

Click here for action team descriptions.